
The more we share the happier we feel. Giving back to individuals, communities and organizations in need, allows me to share my knowledge and gain insight into areas of opportunity my career and extra curricular activities may not normally expose me to. I view volunteering as a necessary form of demonstrating commitment to the community.


Travel is my passion. It is my favorite way of keeping my mind open and allowing myself to appreciate and truly see the strength of diversity in human kind. We are innovative. We are creative. We are resourceful. We find, and create, beauty. There is so much we can learn from each other as global citizens and exposure and experience is the first step in that learning process.

Client Focused

I focus on relationships, not transactions. Having started my career 15 years ago in client facing roles, my success has always been tied directly to my clients satisfaction. In every interaction I aim to align with my clients needs, understand what the current challenges are, and anticipate the future challenges. The responsive solutions I provide aim to address both.

Contact Me


Model Jeopardy is a game I created using HTML5, CSS and JavaScript (es6). It came together by leveraging techniques of DOM manipulation to create an interactive game that prompts players to answer quiz questions.

Gotta Get Back

Gotta Get Back is a virtual travel log built to allow users to use a virtual platform to keep track of travel notes, contacts, and destination specific information, It was built using Express,Handlebars and Mongoose and has with full CRUD functionality. The app was deployed on Heroku.

In The Works

Worked with a team of developers to create a full stack MERN app for career management. During planning, user stories, ERDs, and wire framing, were leveraged. During our work process, the Git Workflow was utilized as we worked to develop the full CRUD functionality.

V.I. Code

V.I.code is an app to provide a platform for users to store notes on topics related to code and games that they find online that are related to coding. This is a learning queue that is most useful for people who are interested in self teaching and want to keep resources and games in one place to use or refer back to.